Chrenkoff found this that cracks me up. (Forgive, me but I can't figure out how to connect directly to the specific blog here. See his first post on April 7, 2005.)
The opening paragraph from my favorite news wire service, Agence France-Presse:
"US President George W. Bush knelt before the body of Pope John Paul II early today, paying homage in Saint Peter's Basilica to one of the leading critics of the US-led war on Iraq."
In the year 2050, when a whole new generation brought up on AFP news stories grows us, a son will ask his father: "Dad, who was that John Paul II guy?" And the dad will say: "I think he was one of the leading critics of the US-led war on Iraq, son. You know, like Michael Moore and Jacques Chirac."
Just joking, but I'm sure that AFP is seeing some delicious irony here, while everyone else simply sees the President of the United States paying respects to one of the greatest figures of the past century.
Update: Reader DubiousD has an alternative opening paragraph: "Former US President Bill Clinton knelt before the body of Pope John Paul II early today, paying homage in Saint Peter's Basilica to one of the leading critics of extramarital sex."
# posted by Arthur : 8:03 AM